Monday, January 24, 2011

Dream Team

Being a woman in science you can probably only dream about a real team and about leading a team. However, you have a lot of opportunities to observe how top dogs build up their highly effective teams. Based on this recipe, as a very ambitious boss, you only need a lot of Shiva-droids for the dirty job in the lab and a pussycat candy doll to spend your time in a charming, inspiring and positive environment, to blow up your ego from time to time, and to entertain you. Having several candidate pussycat candy dolls (a real harem of such young 'scientists', with eventual competition between the girls) might make the situation even more interesting for you. (To be honest and correct, the doll is only optional, not all bosses have or need it, but unfortunately I have never had such a boss.) Later (in the upcoming comic strips) I will show you how the presence of other real women (in real science) can spoil this ideal situation in the lab.

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